- jugal furrow
(in certain insects) the crease, between the anal and jugal veins, along which the wing folds.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
jugal furrow — (in certain insects) the crease, between the anal and jugal veins, along which the wing folds … Useful english dictionary
Insect wing — Original veins and wing posture of a dragonfly. Hoverflies hovering to mate … Wikipedia
Insect morphology — Legend of body parts Tagmata : A Head, B Thorax, C Abdomen. 1. antenna 2. ocelli (lower) 3. ocelli (upper) 4. compound eye 5. brain (cerebral ganglia) 6. prothorax … Wikipedia
plica jugalis — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The jugal fold or radial line of folding of wings, setting off the jugal region from the vannal region; axillary furrow, plica anojugalis … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
clavus — n. [L. clavis, key] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. The oblong or triangular anal portion of the fore wing of certain hemipteran and homopteran insects. 2. Rounded, peaked or brush like process of the dorsal margin of the sacculus of certain Lepidoptera … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology