
/zhooh oh"/, n.
Léon /lay awonn"/, 1879-1954, French labor leader and politician: Nobel peace prize 1951.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Jouhaux — Léon Jouhaux Léon Jouhaux est un syndicaliste français, né à Paris le 1er juillet 1879 et mort le 28 avril 1954 à Paris. Ouvrier allumettier et syndicaliste de tendance libertaire, il est secrétaire général de la CGT de 1909 à 1947 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jouhaux — Léon Jouhaux (* 1. Juli 1879 in Paris; † 29. April 1954 ebenda) war ein französischer Gewerkschafter. Er wurde im Jahre 1943 von den Nazis festgenommen und später in das KZ Buchenwald deportiert. 1951 erhielt er den Friedensnobelpreis für seine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jouhaux, Léon — (1879 1954)    labor leader, Nobel laureate    Born in Paris, Léon Jouhaux left school at age 12 to work in a government match factory. He soon became active in the labor movement and, in 1909, became secretary general of the confédération… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Jouhaux, Léon — ▪ French labour leader born July 1, 1879, Paris, France died April 28, 1954, Paris  French Socialist and trade union leader who was one of the founders of the International Labour Organisation (International Labour Organization). He was awarded… …   Universalium

  • Jouhaux — /zhooh oh /, n. Léon /lay awonn /, 1879 1954, French labor leader and politician: Nobel peace prize 1951 …   Useful english dictionary

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