- interconfessional
/in'teuhr keuhn fesh"euh nl/, adj.common to or occurring between churches having different confessions.[1890-95; INTER- + CONFESSIONAL]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
interconfessional — adj. 2 g. 1. Que se estabelece entre crenças ou confissões religiosas. 2. Relativo a várias crenças ou confissões religiosas. ‣ Etimologia: inter + confessional … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
interconfessional — adjective Taking place between religious organisations that have different systems of formulated theology (confessions of faith) The goal of this interconfessional endeavour is to bring harmony and understanding between these disparate churches … Wiktionary
interconfessional — “+ adjective Etymology: inter + confessional : involving, supported by, or common to groups (as Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox) having different confessions of faith * * * /in teuhr keuhn fesh euh nl/, adj. common to or occurring between churches … Useful english dictionary
interconfessional — in|ter|con|fes|si|o|nal Mot Agut Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català
interconfessional — in·ter·confessional … English syllables
Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible — New Interconfessional Translation Bible (新共同訳聖書 in Japanese, pronounced Shin Kyōdō Yaku Seisho ) is the most recent Japanese translation of the Christian Bible, completed in 1987, and is now the most widely used Japanese Bible, by both Catholics… … Wikipedia
JEWISH-CHRISTIAN RELATIONS — Christian Jewish contacts have progressed significantly at the initiative of the major international Church organizations and of national and regional church bodies. Of special importance are the contacts with the main Church organizations: the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond — CNV Full name National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in the Netherlands Native name Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond Founded May 13, 1909 Members … Wikipedia
Bible translations (Japanese) — Japanese Bible translation begin when Catholic missionaries (Kirishitan) entered Japan in 1549, and Jesuits published the full New Testament in Kyoto, in 1613. Shortly afterwards, however, Christianity was banned and all the missionaries were… … Wikipedia
interconfessionalmente — adv. De modo interconfessional. ‣ Etimologia: interconfessional + mente … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa