income maintenance

income maintenance
a government program that provides financial assistance to needy people so that they can maintain a certain income level.

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  • income maintenance — a government program that provides financial assistance to needy people so that they can maintain a certain income level. [1970 75] * * * income maintenance, government compensation or subsidy of those whose incomes fall below a specified level:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • income distribution — There are two types functional and size. The functional distribution of national income shows how the total is made up of income from land, labour, and capital, or the contribution of each factor of production to the national income. In this… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • MAINTENANCE — (Heb. מְזוֹנוֹת, mezonot), generally speaking, the supply of all the necessaries of the party entitled thereto, i.e., not only food, but also matters such as medical expenses, raiment, lodging, etc. (Sh. Ar., EH 73:7; see husband and wife ). When …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • maintenance assessment — the exercise carried out by a child support officer to fix the child support to be paid by an absent parent in respect of a qualifying child. The calculation is a complex one, a formula being provided in the legislation. There is, however, a… …   Law dictionary

  • Income tax in India — The Indian Income Tax department is governed by the Central Board for Direct Taxes (CBDT) and is part of the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance.The government of India imposes an income tax on taxable income of individuals, Hindu …   Wikipedia

  • maintenance — The preservation of the condition and operational functionality of an *asset. Maintenance costs are normally treated as *revenue expenditure in an *income statement. Contrast *betterment …   Auditor's dictionary

  • maintenance — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of maintaining] Syn. keeping, sustaining, continuance, upholding, carrying; see also preservation , support 3 , subsistence 1 . 2. [The means of maintaining] Syn. sustenance, livelihood, resources; see pay 1 , 2 ,… …   English dictionary for students

  • maintenance — n 1. preservation, upkeep, seasonal upkeep, annual upkeep, keeping up; care, grooming, painting, yard work. 2. continuance, continuity, extension, prolongation; perpetuation, persistence, perseveration, repetition. 3. means of support,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • non-taxable income — Income that is specifically exempt from tax. Examples of such income include: • income received under a maintenance agreement or court order in cases of divorce or separation; • income from National Savings Easy Access Savings Accounts; • income… …   Accounting dictionary

  • non-taxable income — Income that is specifically exempt from tax. Examples of such income include: • income received under a maintenance agreement or court order in cases of divorce or separation; • income from National Savings Easy Access Savings Accounts; • income… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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