Immunofluorescence — is the labeling of antibodies or antigens with fluorescent dyes. This technique is often used to visualize the subcellular distribution of biomolecules of interest. Immunofluorescent labelled tissue sections or cultures are studied using a… … Wikipedia
immunofluorescence — [ imynoflyɔresɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1965; de immuno et fluorescence ♦ Biol. Technique utilisant un marquage fluorescent d anticorps spécifiques afin de visualiser et de localiser les antigènes correspondants. ● immunofluorescence nom féminin Technique de … Encyclopédie Universelle
immunofluorescence — [im΄yə nōflô res′əns, i myo͞o΄nōflô res′əns] n. the use of a special microscope with ultraviolet light and antibodies labeled with fluorescent dyes to locate specific antigens in tissues immunofluorescent adj … English World dictionary
Immunofluorescence — L’immunofluorescence est une technique d’immunomarquage, qui utilise des anticorps (ou immunoglobulines) ainsi que des fluorochromes. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Principes de l immunofluorescence[1],[2],[3]. 2.1 Immunofluorescence … Wikipédia en Français
immunofluorescence — An immunohistochemical technique using labeling of antibodies by a fluorescent dye to identify antigenic material specific for the labeled antibody; the specific binding of antibody can be determined microscopically through the production of a… … Medical dictionary
immunofluorescence — n. a technique for observing the amount and/or distribution of antibody or antigen in a tissue section. The antibodies are labelled (directly or indirectly) with a fluorescent dye (e.g. fluorescein) and applied to the tissue, which is observed… … The new mediacal dictionary
immunofluorescence assay — Med. a diagnostic blood test using the technique of immunofluorescence. Abbr.: IFA * * * … Universalium
immunofluorescence microscopy — fluorescence microscopy using immunofluorescence (q.v.) staining methods … Medical dictionary
immunofluorescence assay — Med. a diagnostic blood test using the technique of immunofluorescence. Abbr.: IFA … Useful english dictionary
immunofluorescence — noun Date: 1960 the labeling of antibodies or antigens with fluorescent dyes especially for the purpose of demonstrating the presence of a particular antigen or antibody in a tissue preparation or smear • immunofluorescent adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
immunofluorescence — (im u no floo o res ens) A technique used to identify particular antigens microscopically in cells or tissues by the binding of a fluorescent antibody conjugate … Dictionary of microbiology