hyperfine structure

hyperfine structure
/huy"peuhr fuyn", huy'-/, Physics.
the splitting of the lines of an atomic spectrum, produced by the angular momentum of the nucleus of the atom. Cf. fine structure.
[1925-30; HYPER- + FINE1]

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      in spectroscopy, the splitting of a spectral line into a number of components. The splitting is caused by nuclear effects and cannot be observed in an ordinary spectroscope without the aid of an optical device called an interferometer. In fine structure (q.v.), line splitting is the result of energy changes produced by electron spin–orbit coupling (i.e., interaction of forces from orbital and spin motion of electrons); but in hyperfine structure, line splitting is attributed to the fact that in addition to electron spin in an atom, the atomic nucleus itself spins about its own axis. Energy states of the atom will be split into levels corresponding to slightly different energies. Each of these energy levels may be assigned a quantum number, and they are then called quantized levels. Thus, when the atoms of an element radiate energy, transitions are made between these quantized energy levels, giving rise to hyperfine structure.

      The spin quantum number is zero for nuclei of even atomic number and even mass number, and therefore no HFS is found in their spectral lines. The spectra of other nuclei do exhibit hyperfine structure. By observing HFS, it is possible to calculate nuclear spin.

      A similar effect of line splitting is caused by mass differences (isotopes) of atoms in an element and is called isotope structure, or isotope shift. These spectral lines are sometimes referred to as hyperfine structure but may be observed in an element with spin-zero isotopes (even atomic and mass numbers). Isotope structure is seldom observed without true HFS accompanying it.

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