high-voltage direct current.

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  • HVDC — Un HVDC est un équipement d électronique de puissance utilisé pour la transmission de l électricité en courant continu haute tension. Le nom est le sigle anglais de High Voltage Direct Current, c est à dire « courant continu haute… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HVDC — HGÜ Leitungen in Europa Typischer Freileitungsmast der HGÜ Baltic Cable in Schweden Die Hochspannungs Gleichstrom Übertragung (HGÜ) ist ein Verfahren zur Übertragung von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HVDC Moyle — Aerial photograph of area where Moyle Ballycronan More HVDC Static Inverter Plant is. It is situated left up the power station Location Country …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Kingsnorth — was a high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) system at Kingsnorth in Kent. It was at one time the only application of the technology of high voltage direct current transmission for the supply of transformer stations in a city. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Leyte - Luzon — The HVDC Leyte Luzon is a high voltage direct current transmission link in the Philippines between geothermal power plants on the island of Leyte and the southern part of island of Luzon. The HVDC Leyte – Luzon went in service on 10 August… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Norway–Great Britain — Not to be confused with Scotland Norway interconnector. HVDC Norway–UK Location Country Norway United Kingdom General direction east–west–east From Kvilldal, Norway Passes through …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Gotland — The HVDC Gotland, on the Swedish east coast, was the first fully commercial static plant for high voltage direct current transmission in the world. The first HVDC Gotland link (Gotland 1) went into service in 1954. It could transfer 20 megawatts… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Hokkaido-Honshu — The HVDC Hokkaidō Honshū or Hokkaidō Honshū HVDC Link , Kitahon HVDC Link (ja: 北海道・本州間電力連系設備, abbrev. 北本電力連系設備) is a 193 kilometers long high voltage direct current transmission line for the interconnection of the power grids of Hokkaidō… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Vancouver Island — The HVDC Vancouver Island is the name for HVDC interconnection between the Vancouver Island Terminal (VIT) near North Cowichan, British Columbia on Vancouver Island and the Arnott Substation (ART) near Delta, British Columbia on the Canadian… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Itaipu — The HVDC Itaipu is a HVDC transmission line from the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant to the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The project has two bipolar lines, which run from the converter plant at Foz do Iguaçu in Paraná to the static inverter plant… …   Wikipedia

  • HVDC Inter-Island — The Inter Island HVDC link (designation BEN HAY A [ cite web|url= http://www.gridnewzealand.co.nz/f70,3566/3566 transmission map si.pdf |title= South Island Grid Map |accessdate= 2008 09 01. Short for Benmore to Haywards line A . ] ) is the high… …   Wikipedia

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