harmonic minor scale
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harmonic minor scale — noun : a minor scale like the natural form except that the 7th tone is raised by a half step (as A B C D E F G♯ A) * * * Music. See minor scale (def. 1). [1880 85] … Useful english dictionary
Harmonic major scale — In music theory, the harmonic major scale is a musical scale which found occasional use during the common practice era and is now often employed, particularly in jazz. It may be considered as a major scale with the sixth degree flattened, or the… … Wikipedia
Minor scale — For the simulated nuclear detonation, see Minor Scale. Minor scale Qualities Number of pitch classes 7 Maximal evenness … Wikipedia
minor scale — noun a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 2nd and 3rd and 5th and 6th • Syn: ↑minor diatonic scale • Hypernyms: ↑mode, ↑musical mode * * * 1. Also called harmonic minor scale. a scale having half steps between the… … Useful english dictionary
minor scale — 1. Also called harmonic minor scale. a scale having half steps between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and seventh and eighth degrees, with whole steps for the other intervals. 2. Also called melodic minor scale. a scale having the third… … Universalium
harmonic minor — noun A minor scale with minor sixth and major seventh, ascending and descending • • • Main Entry: ↑harmony … Useful english dictionary
Hungarian minor scale — The Hungarian minor scale is a type of combined musical scale. It is akin to the harmonic minor scale, except that it bears a raised fourth. Its tonal center is slightly ambiguous, due to the large number of half steps. Also known as Double… … Wikipedia
natural minor scale — noun : a minor scale with the diatonic intervals being whole steps except those half steps between 2 3 and 5 6 and corresponding in pattern to the Aeolian church mode compare harmonic minor scale, melodic minor scale … Useful english dictionary
harmonic minor — noun Music a scale containing a minor third, minor sixth, and major seventh, forming the basis of conventional harmony in minor keys … English new terms dictionary
harmonic minor — /haˌmɒnɪk ˈmaɪnə/ (say hah.monik muynuh) noun the minor musical scale from which chords are formed, having the sixth degree a semitone above the dominant and the seventh degree a semitone below the tonic …