
/ham"berr'geuhr/, n.
1. a sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground or chopped beef, usually in a roll or bun, variously garnished.
2. ground or chopped beef.
3. Also called Hamburg steak. a patty of ground or chopped beef, seasoned and fried or broiled.
Also, hamburg /ham"berrg/. Also called beefburger.
[1885-90; short for Hamburger steak; see -ER1]

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also called  burger 

      ground beef. The term is applied variously to (1) a patty of ground beef, sometimes called hamburg steak, Salisbury steak, or Vienna steak, (2) a sandwich consisting of a patty of beef served within a split bread roll, with various garnishes, or (3) the ground beef itself, which is used as a base in many sauces, casseroles, terrines, and the like. The origin of hamburger is unknown, but the hamburger patty and sandwich were probably brought by 19th-century German immigrants to the United States, where in a matter of decades the hamburger came to be considered an archetypal American food. The importance of the hamburger in American popular culture is indicated by its virtual ubiquity at backyard barbecues and on fast-food restaurant menus and by the proliferation of so-called hamburger stands and restaurants. Some chains, such as McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's, proliferated worldwide.

      Hamburgers are customarily eaten as a sandwich, between two halves of a round bun. Mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, and other condiments, along with garnishes of lettuce, onion, tomato, and sliced cucumber pickle, constitute the customary dressing. In the variation known as the cheeseburger, a slice of cheese is melted over the patty. The patty itself is often seasoned or augmented with chopped onions, spices, or bread crumbs before cooking.

      According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards, hamburger meat may be designated either “hamburger,” “chopped beef,” or “ground beef.” It must be ground from fresh beef with no by-products or nonmeat extenders, but the USDA does permit the inclusion of loose beef fat and seasonings in meat labeled “hamburger.” Also, by law, hamburger and chopped or ground beef sold commercially may contain no more than 30 percent fat. Fifteen percent fat is regarded as the ideal proportion in terms of juiciness and flavour of the cooked product.

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Universalium. 2010.

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