- Greenwich hour angle
hour angle measured from the meridian of Greenwich, England.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
greenwich hour angle — usu ˈgrinij in Greenwich, Eng, & in Great Britain as a whole, usually ˈgrenich or ˈgrenēch in Greenwich Village & in NYC as a whole, often in certain other places named Greenwich & usually by speakers unfamiliar with the local pronunc of any… … Useful english dictionary
Greenwich hour angle — The arc of the equatorial westward through 360° and measured from the celestial meridian of the Greenwich to the hour circle of the body … Aviation dictionary
hour angle — The angular distance west of a celestial meridian or hour circle; the arc of the celestial equator, or the angle at the celestial pole, between the upper branch of a celestial meridian or hour circle and the hour circle of a celestial body or the … Aviation dictionary
Local Hour Angle — Der Ortsstundenwinkel (eng: Local Hour Angle, LHA) ist ein vom in dem Nautischem Jahrbuch veröffentlichen Greenwicher Stundenwinkel (Grt) abgeleiteter Stundenwinkel. Er bezeiht sich nicht auf Greenwich, sondern auf den Ort des Beobachters. Man… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Angle — This article is about angles in geometry. For other uses, see Angle (disambiguation). Oblique angle redirects here. For the cinematographic technique, see Dutch angle. ∠, the angle symbol In geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays… … Wikipedia
GHA — Greenwich hour angle. * * * … Universalium
GHA — • Greenwich Hour Angle … Maritime acronyms and abbreviations
GHA — • Greenwich Hour Angle NASA • Ghardaia, Algeria internationale Flughafen Kennung • nicht mehr vergebenes Autokennzeichen für Kreis Geithain, Sachsen . Ersetzt durch L … Acronyms
PZX triangle — The PZX triangle is a term used in Astro Navigation, or Celestial Navigation, and its solution can give you your position anywhere (more or less) on the globe. The sky is described as a Celestial Sphere with a North and South Pole corresponding… … Wikipedia
Navigational triangle — The navigational or PZX triangle is a term used in Astro Navigation, or Celestial Navigation, and its solution can give you your position anywhere (more or less) on the globe. The sky is described as a Celestial Sphere with a North and South Pole … Wikipedia