- grand unification theory
a possible future quantum field theory that would encompass both the electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics. Abbr.: GUT Also called grand unified theory.[1980-85]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
grand unification theory — grand unified theory grand unified theory, grand unification theory grand unification theory . (Theoretical physics) Any of a class of physics theories that attempts to explain the electroweak forces, stong force, and gravitation within a single… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grand unification theory — articleissues article=y refimprove=June 2006 expert=Physics tone=August 2008 update=March 2008Grand Unification, grand unified theory, or GUT refers to any of several very similar unified field theories or models in physics that predicts that at… … Wikipedia
grand unification theory — noun A theory that unifies the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction. Syn: grand unification, grand unified theory, GUT … Wiktionary
grand unification theory — noun see grand unified theory * * * Physics. a possible future quantum field theory that would encompass both the electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics. Abbr.: GUT Also called grand unified theory. [1980 85] … Useful english dictionary
grand unification theory — noun see grand unified theory … New Collegiate Dictionary
grand unification theory — grand′ unifica′tion the ory n. phs a hypothetical quantum theory that would encompass the electroweak theory and the strong force … From formal English to slang
grand unified theory — grand unified theory, grand unification theory grand unification theory . (Theoretical physics) Any of a class of physics theories that attempts to explain the electroweak forces, stong force, and gravitation within a single mathematical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grand unified theory — or grand unification theory (GUT) Theory that attempts to unify the electroweak force (see electroweak theory) with the strong force. The unification of all four fundamental interactions is sometimes called unified field theory. Such theories… … Universalium
Grand Unified Theory — Als große vereinheitlichte Theorie oder grand unification theory (GUT) bezeichnet man eine Theorie, die drei der vier bekannten physikalischen Grundkräfte vereinigt, nämlich die starke Wechselwirkung, die schwache Wechselwirkung und die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
grand unified theory — noun also grand unification theory : any of several theories that seek to unite in a single mathematical framework the electromagnetic and weak forces with the strong force or with the strong force and gravity * * * ˌgrand ˈunified theory 7… … Useful english dictionary