
/guet"ing euhn/, n.
a city in central Germany. 123,600.

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      city, Lower Saxony Land (state), central Germany. It lies on the Leine River, about 60 miles (100 km) south of Hannover. First mentioned as Gutingi in 953, it was chartered about 1211 and was a powerful member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century. After accepting the Reformation in 1531, it suffered in the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries. The establishment there in 1737 of the University of Göttingen (Göttingen, University of) by George II of England (the elector George Augustus of Hanover) began a new period of prosperity. The university soon became one of the most famous in Europe. Political disturbances, however, including the expulsion (1837) of seven professors, the Göttinger Sieben (“Göttingen Seven”), diminished its prosperity. Strong mathematics and physics faculties led to its revival in the late 19th century. The university library is one of the richest collections in Germany.

      Predominantly a university city, it also has diversified industry, including the manufacture of high-technology products, such as optical and precision instruments and microelectronic products, as well as chemicals and synthetic materials. Publishing is also important. Virtually undamaged in World War II, Göttingen is surrounded by ramparts, and many medieval half-timbered houses, the 14th-century town hall, and several Gothic churches survive. The city also houses several museums and theatres and a botanical garden. Pop. (2003 est.) 122,883.

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