good night

good night
an expression of farewell used in parting at nighttime or when going to sleep.
[1325-75; ME]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Good Night — or Goodnight may refer to:* Good Night (song), a song on the Beatles self titled album, also known as the White Album *Mary Goodnight, a character from the James Bond film The Man With The Golden Gun * Goodnight, a saying as part of a television… …   Wikipedia

  • Good Night — significa Buenas noches en inglés y puede hacer referencia a: Good Night, el primer corto de la serie de animación Los Simpson; Good Night, una canción de The Beatles. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • good night — S3 used to say goodbye when you are leaving someone or they are leaving at night, or before going to sleep →↑good evening ▪ Good night. Sleep well …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • good-night — /good nuyt /, n. a farewell or leave taking: He said his good nights before leaving the party. * * * ▪ ballad       sensational type of broadside ballad (q.v.), popular in England from the 16th through the 19th century, purporting to be the… …   Universalium

  • good night — interjection * used for saying goodbye to someone in the evening or at night, or before they go to bed at night …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • good night — n. a phrase used as a farewell at night in parting or going to bed …   English World dictionary

  • good night — {interj.} 1. Used as a polite phrase when you leave someone at night. * / Good night! said Bob as he left Dick s house after the party. I ll see you in the morning. / * /Bill said good night to his parents and went upstairs to bed./ 2. or[good… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • good night — {interj.} 1. Used as a polite phrase when you leave someone at night. * / Good night! said Bob as he left Dick s house after the party. I ll see you in the morning. / * /Bill said good night to his parents and went upstairs to bed./ 2. or[good… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • good\ night — interj. 1. Used as a polite phrase when you leave someone at night. Good night! said Bob as he left Dick s house after the party. I ll see you in the morning. Bill said good night to his parents and went upstairs to bed. 2. • good grief Used to… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • good-night — gu̇dˈnīt, gə(d)ˈn , usu īd.+V noun Etymology: good night 1. a. : a concluding remark on parting at night left him at the church … with conventional good nights Harry Sylvester b …   Useful english dictionary

  • Good Night — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Good Night, une chanson des Beatles dans le White Album Good Night, and Good Luck., un film de 2005 Good Night, le premier court métrage des Simpson …   Wikipédia en Français

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