- gold certificate
a former U.S. paper currency issued by the federal government for circulation from 1865 to 1933, equal to and redeemable for gold to a stated value.[1860-65, Amer.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
gold certificate — ☆ gold certificate n. 1. Historical a type of U.S. paper currency redeemable in gold 2. a certificate or its equivalent, representing a share of the U.S. gold reserve, issued to or redeemed from the Federal Reserve Banks when gold is bought or… … English World dictionary
Gold certificate — A gold certificate in general is a certificate of ownership that gold owners hold instead of storing the actual gold. It has both a historic meaning as a US paper currency (1882 1933) and a current meaning as a way to invest in gold.Perth MintThe … Wikipedia
gold certificate — noun : a paper certificate issued by a public treasury against deposited gold; specifically : a certificate first issued in 1934 by the United States Treasury to be held only by Federal Reserve banks and exchanged under treasury license for gold… … Useful english dictionary
Gold Certificate — A physical document resembling a paper bank note that entitles the holder to a specified value of gold. Because gold bullion is difficult to transfer and store, gold certificates facilitated the ownership and use of gold when it was legal… … Investment dictionary
gold certificate — certificate of an investor, that shows proof of ownership of gold bullion. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Gold (disambiguation) — Gold is a highly sought after precious metal that for many centuries has been used as money.Gold may also refer to:Business* Barrick Gold, the largest gold mining company in the world * Gold s Gym, international chain of fitness centers… … Wikipedia
certificate — cer·tif·i·cate 1 /sər ti fi kət/ n 1 a: a document containing a certified statement esp. as to the truth of something a birth certificate b: a document certifying that a person has fulfilled the requirements of and may practice in a specified… … Law dictionary
Gold bond — may refer to *a bond that can be redeemed for gold, such as a United States gold certificate * Gold Bond Trading Company (later Carlson Companies) which dealt in trading stamps *Gold Bond medicated powder, an over the counter skin treatment … Wikipedia
Gold as an investment — Reserves of SDR, forex and gold in 2006 … Wikipedia
Gold Reserve Act — The United States Gold Reserve Act of January 31, 1934 required that all gold and gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered and vested in the sole title of the United States Department of the Treasury.Following the Executive… … Wikipedia