
/gah"yeuh tree'/, n. Hinduism.
a Vedic mantra expressing hope for enlightenment: recited daily by the faithful and repeated in all religious rites and ceremonies.
[1835-45; < Skt gayatri, deriv. of gayatra song, hymn]

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  • Gayatri — ( sa. गायत्री, IAST|gāyatrī) is the feminine form of IAST|gāyatra , a Sanskrit word for a song or a hymn. It may refer to:*In Hinduism, a goddess, as a representation of the Parabrahman. *The name of a Vedic poetic meter of 24 syllables (three… …   Wikipedia

  • Gayatri — (ind. Myth.), bei den Brahminen drei geheimnißvolle Vedasprüche von außerordentlicher Kraft. Wer sie drei Jahre lang ohne Unterlaß wiederholt, dem werden alle unwissentlichen Sünden getilgt …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Gayatri —   [Sanskrit] die, , Metrum, bestehend aus drei mal acht Silben; es ist benannt nach der gleichnamigen Göttin, der zweiten Frau des Gottes Brahma, der Mutter der vier Veden und der drei obersten Kasten der Hindugesellschaft …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gayatri — Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Gayatri Mantra. Über die Göttin siehe Gayatri (Göttin). Gayatri (Sanskrit. f., गायत्री, gāyatrī, die weibliche Form von gāyatra (Hymnus)), bezeichnet im Hinduismus die bedeutendste vedische Hymne, das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gāyatrī — 1. name of the goddess the gāyatrī mantra is personified as a goddess, the wife of Brahmā and mother of the four Vedas ✍ He has married my daughter, who is equal to Gāyatrī 3. name of the metre an ancient metre of twenty four syllables (variously …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • gāyatrī — 1. term a sacred mantra repeated by brāhmaṇas at the three junctures of the day ✍ by chanting the gāyatrī mantra ✍ you should chant gāyatrī in the morning see dīkṣā mantra 2. name see Gāyatrī …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • Gayatri — Ilustración de Raya Ravi Varma (1848 1906). En las ilustraciones, la diosa a menudo se sienta sobre una flor de loto y aparece con cinco cabezas y cinco pares de manos, en representación de las encarnaciones de la diosa como Párvati, etc. Es… …   Wikipedia Español

  • gayatri — ˈgäyə.ˌtrē noun ( s) Etymology: Sanskrit gāyatrī, from gāyatra song, hymn, from gāyati he sings more at chough 1. : an ancient Vedic meter of 24 syllables generally arranged in a triplet 2. : a composition in this meter (as a noted Hindu mantra… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gayatri Devi — (Bengali: গায়ত্রী দেবী) The Princess in her early years. Rajmata of Jaipur Tenure 1939−1970 …   Wikipedia

  • Gayatri Devi — Gayatri Devi, (Londres, 1919 Jaipur, India, 29 de julio de 2009), nacida princesa de Cooch Behar, fue la tercera maharaní de Jaipur desde 1940 a 1970 tras su matrimonio con el maharajá Sawai Man Singh II. Tras la independencia de la India y la… …   Wikipedia Español

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