
/geuh lay"goh, -lah"-/, n., pl. galagos.
[ < NL: the genus name, of uncert. orig.]

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Any of six species of small, tree-dwelling primates (genus Galago) found in forests of sub-Saharan Africa.

Galagos are gray, brown, or reddish or yellowish brown animals with large eyes and ears, long hind legs, soft woolly fur, and a long tail. They are active at night, feeding on fruits, insects, and small birds. Smaller forms, such as the bush baby, are particularly active and agile in the trees. On the ground, galagos sit upright and move by jumping with their hind legs. They range in length from 4.5–6 in. (11–16 cm), excluding the 7–8-in. (18–20-cm) tail, to 12–15 in. (30–37 cm), excluding the 16.5–18.5-in. (42–47-cm) tail.

Bush babies (Galago senegalensis)

George Holton
Photo Researchers

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