Fra Mauro

Fra Mauro
/frah" mahr"oh, maw"roh/
a walled plain in the third quadrant of the face of the moon: about 50 miles (80 km) in diameter.

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▪ lunar crater
      crater on the Moon that appears to be heavily eroded; it was named for a 15th-century Italian monk and mapmaker. About 80 km (50 miles) in diameter, Fra Mauro lies at about 6° S, 17° W, in the Nubium Basin (Mare Nubium) impact structure.

      The name is also applied to the extensive surrounding region, called the Fra Mauro Formation, which lunar scientists interpret to be material ejected from the impact that formed the giant Imbrium Basin (Mare Imbrium) to the north—the largest impact basin ( mare) on the Moon's near side. A broad, shallow valley within the formation about 50 km (30 miles) north of Fra Mauro crater served as the site of the Apollo (Apollo program) 14 manned lunar landing in February 1971. On two separate Moon walks, Apollo astronauts Alan Shepard (Shepard, Alan B., Jr.) and Edgar Mitchell (Mitchell, Edgar D.) collected samples of what was believed to be ejected rock; in later radiometric analysis on Earth, this material was found to have been thermally shocked about 3.9 billion years ago, presumably by the cataclysmic event that created Imbrium.

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