
Decatur, Stephen. 1779-1820.
American naval officer known for his heroic deeds in the Tripolitan War, the War of 1812, and skirmishes against the Barbary pirates.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Decatur, Stephen — born Jan. 5, 1779, Sinepuxent, Md., U.S. died March 22, 1820, Bladensburg, Md. U.S. naval officer. He entered the navy in 1798. In the Tripolitan War, he led a daring expedition into the harbour of Tripoli to burn a captured U.S. ship. In the War …   Universalium

  • Decatur, Stephen — (5 ene. 1779, Sinepuxent, Md., EE.UU.–22 mar. 1820, Bladensburg, Md.). Oficial naval estadounidense. Entró a la marina en 1798. Durante la guerra de Tripolitania, dirigió una osada expedición al interior del puerto de Trípoli destinada a prender… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Stephen Decatur — jun. Stephen Decatur junior (* 5. Januar 1779 in Berlin, MD; † 22. März 1820 in Bladensburg, MD) war ein amerikanischer Marineoffizier und Nationalheld. Er wurde für sein Wirken im Amerikanisch T …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Decatur — is the name of many places in the United States, most of which are named for Stephen Decatur, a U.S. Naval officer at the turn of the 19th century. Contents 1 People 2 Places 2.1 United States 2.1.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Stephen Decatur — Retrato de Stephen Decatur Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stephen Decatur — est un officier de Marine franco américain, né le 5 janvier 1779 à Sinepuxent (Maryland) et mort en duel le 22 mars 1820 à Blandensburg (Maryland). Il est célèbre pour son héroïsme lors des guerres de Barbarie dans la campagne de Tripoli et lors… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stephen Decatur — For other people named Stephen Decatur, see Stephen Decatur (disambiguation). Stephen Decatur, Jr …   Wikipedia

  • Decatur — /di kay teuhr/, n. 1. Stephen, 1779 1820, U.S. naval officer. 2. a city in central Illinois. 94,081. 3. a city in N Alabama. 42,002. 4. a city in N Georgia, near Atlanta. 18,404. * * * City (pop., 2000: 81,860), central Illinois, U.S. Situated on …   Universalium

  • Stephen — /stee veuhn/, n. 1. Saint, died A.D. c35, first Christian martyr. 2. Saint, c975 1038, first king of Hungary 997 1038. 3. (Stephen of Blois) 1097? 1154, king of England 1135 54. 4. Sir Leslie, 1832 1904, English critic, biographer, and… …   Universalium

  • Stephen — (as used in expressions) Austin, Stephen (Fuller) Bechtel, Stephen D(avison) Benét, Stephen Vincent Biko, Stephen Breyer, Stephen (Gerald) Brook, Sir Peter (Stephen Paul) Case, Stephen Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover Crane, Stephen Decatur, Stephen… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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