flocculent precipitate

flocculent precipitate
a woolly-looking precipitate, as aluminum hydroxide formed by the addition of ammonia to an aluminum-salt solution.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • flocculent precipitate — /flɒkjələnt prəˈsɪpəteɪt/ (say flokyuhluhnt pruh sipuhtayt) noun a light, easily dispersed precipitate, like that of aluminium hydroxide …  

  • flocculent precipitate — Chem. a woolly looking precipitate, as aluminum hydroxide formed by the addition of ammonia to an aluminum salt solution. [1790 1800] …   Useful english dictionary

  • flocculent — adjective Etymology: Latin floccus + English ulent Date: 1800 1. resembling wool especially in loose fluffy organization 2. containing, consisting of, or occurring in the form of loosely aggregated particles or soft flakes < a flocculent… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flocculent — 1. Resembling tufts of cotton or wool; denoting a fluid, such as the urine, containing numerous shreds or fluffy particles of gray white or white mucus or other material. 2. In bacteriology, denoting a fluid culture in which there are numerous… …   Medical dictionary

  • flocculation test — n any of various serological tests (as the Mazzini test for syphilis) in which a positive result depends on the combination of an antigen and antibody to produce a flocculent precipitate * * * any serologic test in which a flocculent agglomerate… …   Medical dictionary

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  • flocculate — flocculable /flok yeuh leuh beuhl/, adj. flocculation, n. flocculator, n. /flok yeuh layt /, v., flocculated, flocculating. v.t. 1. to form into flocculent masses. v.i. 2. to form flocculent masses, as a cloud or a chemical precipitate; form… …   Universalium

  • flocculate — floc•cu•late [[t]ˈflɒk yəˌleɪt[/t]] v. lat•ed, lat•ing 1) chem. to form into flocculent masses 2) chem. to form flocculent masses, as a cloud or a precipitate • Etymology: 1820–30 floc cu•la′tion, n. floc′cu•la tor, n …   From formal English to slang

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