- ewe lamb
a young female sheep.[1350-1400; ME]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
ewe-lamb — eweˈ lamb noun 1. A female lamb 2. A poor man s only possession, one s dearest possession (in reference to Bible, 2 Samuel 12) • • • Main Entry: ↑ewe … Useful english dictionary
ewe lamb — noun : a young usually unweaned female sheep * * * a young female sheep. [1350 1400; ME] * * * ewe lamb, 1. a female lamb. 2. a parent s only child … Useful english dictionary
ewe-lamb — female lamb, young female sheep … English contemporary dictionary
Lamb of God — (Latin: Agnus Dei ) is one of the titles given to Jesus in the New Testament and consequently in the Christian tradition. It refers to Jesus role as a sacrificial lamb atoning for the sins of man in Christian theology, harkening back to ancient… … Wikipedia
lamb — Synonyms and related words: agneau, angel, babe, baby, baby doll, bairn, bellwether, birdling, breast of lamb, buttercup, calf, catling, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, chickling, chicky, child, child of nature, chit, colt, cub, darling, dear, deary … Moby Thesaurus
ewe — Synonyms and related words: Partlet, bellwether, biddy, bitch, bossy, brood mare, cow, doe, ewe lamb, filly, guinea hen, gyp, heifer, hen, hind, jenny, jumbuck, lamb, lambkin, lioness, mare, mutton, nanny, nanny goat, peahen, ram, roe, she bear,… … Moby Thesaurus
Ewe — n. a female sheep. Phrases and idioms: ewe lamb one s most cherished possession (2 Sam. 12). ewe necked (of a horse) having a thin concave neck. Etymology: OE eowu f. Gmc … Useful english dictionary
ewe — n. a female sheep. Phrases and idioms: ewe lamb one s most cherished possession (2 Sam. 12). ewe necked (of a horse) having a thin concave neck. Etymology: OE eowu f. Gmc … Useful english dictionary
lamb — n 1. lambkin, cosset, ewe lamb, yearling, weanling. 2. innocent, ingdnue, unsophisticate, simple soul, dove; infant, babe, newborn babe, babe in the woods, child, mere child. 3. dupe, gull, gudgeon, Brit. Dial. cull, Archaic. cully, Inf. chump,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Lamb Chop (puppet) — Lamb Chop is a fictional sock puppet sheep created by comedian and ventriloquist Shari Lewis. In 1957, Lamb Chop, a ewe, first appeared with Lewis on Hi Mom , a local morning show that aired on WNBC in New York.Lamb Chop has been described as a 6 … Wikipedia