
/es"tay/, n.
a city in NE Italy: medieval fortress; ancient Roman ruins. 17,060. Ancient, Ateste.

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      town and episcopal see, Veneto region, northern Italy. Este lies at the southern foot of the Colli (hills) Euganei southwest of Padua. Known in antiquity as Ateste (q.v.), it was for long the principal seat of the Veneti (q.v.), before being absorbed by Rome c. 200 BC. Originally on the Adige River, it was completely abandoned after the river (now 9 mi [14 km] to the south) changed course in the 6th century. Although it never regained its early importance, it was known in the Middle Ages as the place of origin (961) and the seat (1056–1288) of the House of Este. After 1288 it passed through numerous hands before becoming Venetian in 1405. Notable landmarks are the ruins of the old castle (founded c. 1056, rebuilt 1339), the cathedral (1690–1720), and the Museo Nazionale Atestino (National Museum of Atestine Artifacts). It is now primarily an agricultural centre with some manufacturing. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 16,833.

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Universalium. 2010.

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