Efficiency expert — may refer to:*Ergonomics expert *Business efficiency expert; see also, Layoffs * The Efficiency Expert , a 1921 novel by Edgar Rice Burroughsee also* Spotswood (film), US title The Efficiency Expert , Australian comedy film released in 1992 … Wikipedia
efficiency expert — noun an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel • Syn: ↑efficiency engineer • Hypernyms: ↑expert * * * noun see efficiency engineer * * * a person who studies the methods, procedures, and job characteristics of a business … Useful english dictionary
efficiency expert — noun Date: 1913 one who analyzes methods, procedures, and jobs in order to secure maximum efficiency called also efficiency engineer … New Collegiate Dictionary
efficiency expert — effi′ciency ex pert n. bus a person who studies the methods, procedures, and job characteristics of a business or factory in order to devise ways to increase efficiency Also called effi′ciency engineer … From formal English to slang
efficiency engineer — ☆ efficiency engineer or efficiency expert n. a person whose work is to increase the productive efficiency of a business or industry by finding better methods of performing various operations, reducing waste and costs, etc. * * * … Universalium
efficiency engineer — ☆ efficiency engineer or efficiency expert n. a person whose work is to increase the productive efficiency of a business or industry by finding better methods of performing various operations, reducing waste and costs, etc … English World dictionary
efficiency engineer — noun an expert in increasing the efficient use of machines and personnel (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑efficiency expert • Hypernyms: ↑expert * * * noun also efficiency expert : one who analyzes methods, proce … Useful english dictionary
efficiency — /ɪ fɪʃ(ə)nsi/ noun the ability to work well or to produce the right result or the right work quickly ● a business efficiency exhibition ● The bus system is run with a high degree of efficiency. ● We called in an efficiency expert to report on… … Dictionary of banking and finance
efficiency engineer — noun see efficiency expert … New Collegiate Dictionary
expert — I adj. expert at, in II n. 1) a demolition; efficiency; self styled; technical expert 2) an expert at, in, on (an expert at troubleshooting; an expert in computer science) * * * [ ekspɜːt] efficiency in self styled technical expert … Combinatory dictionary