- Dutch treat
a meal or entertainment for which each person pays his or her own expenses.[1870-75]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
dutch treat — {n.}, {informal} A meal in a restaurant or an outing at the movies, concert, or theater where each party pays his or her own way. * / I am willing to accept your invitation, Mary said, but it will have to be Dutch treat. / … Dictionary of American idioms
dutch treat — {n.}, {informal} A meal in a restaurant or an outing at the movies, concert, or theater where each party pays his or her own way. * / I am willing to accept your invitation, Mary said, but it will have to be Dutch treat. / … Dictionary of American idioms
dutch treat — If something like a meal is a Dutch treat, then each person pays their own share of the bill … The small dictionary of idiomes
Dutch treat — Dutch′ treat′ n. a meal or entertainment for which each person pays his or her own way • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
Dutch treat — ☆ Dutch treat n. Informal any date, social outing, etc. on which each participant pays his or her own expenses … English World dictionary
Dutch treat — noun a dinner where each person pays for his own • Hypernyms: ↑dining * * * noun Usage: sometimes capitalized D : a meal, entertainment, or trip for which each person present pays his own way a dutch treat was better than no date at all * * * a… … Useful english dictionary
Dutch treat — n. an outing for two or more where the cost is split among the participants, either evenly or in proportion to what is consumed. (See also go Dutch.) □ I propose a Dutch treat to celebrate the day. □ We had a Dutch treat, which gave us a chance… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Dutch treat — an entertainment or a meal to which you are invited but where you have to pay for yourself She and Caliban enjoyed the better restaurants in town, and never ate at the same place twice. It was always a Dutch treat. (Grisham, 1992) Where … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
dutch treat — I. noun Usage: often capitalized D Date: 1887 a meal or other entertainment for which each person pays his or her own way II. adverb Usage: often capitalized D Date: 1942 dutch < go dutch treat > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dutch\ treat — noun informal A meal in a restaurant or an outing at the movies, concert, or theater where each party pays his or her own way. I am willing to accept your invitation, Mary said, but it will have to be Dutch treat … Словарь американских идиом
dutch treat — If something like a meal is a Dutch treat, then each person pays their own share of the bill. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions