
/dis'keuhn tin"yooh euhns/, n.
1. the act or state of discontinuing or the state of being discontinued; cessation: the discontinuance of a business.
2. Law. the termination of a suit by the act of the plaintiff, as by notice in writing, or by neglect to take the proper adjournments to keep it pending.
[1350-1400; ME < AF; see DIS-1, CONTINUANCE]

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  • discontinuance — dis·con·tin·u·ance /ˌdis kən ti nyə wəns/ n 1: the usu. voluntary termination of an action by a plaintiff by motion or by failure to pursue the claim 2: the abandonment of a property or of a particular use of the property under the zoning laws… …   Law dictionary

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  • discontinuance — late 14c., from Anglo French, from O.Fr. discontinuer (see DISCONTINUE (Cf. discontinue)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • discontinuance of activity — index impasse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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