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▪ Stoic philosophy
      in Stoic philosophy, position taken by the Stoics against the traditional (Greek) distinction between Greeks and barbarians, made by applying to themselves the term cosmopolitans, thereby implying that their polis, or city-state, was the entire cosmos, or the whole world. Alexander the Great discouraged this distinction by allowing his generals to marry women native to the lands that they had conquered, but his policy met with resistance in the field and shock at home. The Stoics (from the 4th–3rd century BC) broke through the Greek assumption of their own racial and linguistic superiority and considered the new cosmopolitanism on a philosophical basis.

      The earlier Greeks had felt that it was a dictate of nature itself (or the providence of Zeus) that humanity had been divided into Greeks and barbarians. The Stoic argued, on the contrary, that all people share one common reason and are subject to the one divine logos; therefore, the true Stoic sage is not a citizen of any one state but of the whole world.

      The later Stoics implemented this idea by stressing acts of kindness even for defeated enemies and slaves. There were also exhortations to extend the characteristic Stoic love of self (oikeiōsis) in an ever widening circle from self to family, to friends, and, at last, to humanity as a whole. Many historians have argued that this Stoic principle helped to prepare for the acceptance of Christianity, in which, according to the Apostle Paul, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, freeman nor slave.

       Epictetus, another of the later Stoics (1st–2nd century AD), reminded his followers that all men are by nature brothers and exhorted them to remember who they are and whom they rule; for the ruled, too, are kinsmen, brethren by nature, and all are children of Zeus.

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