Dexamethasone — Systematic (IUPAC) name (8S,9R … Wikipedia
Dexaméthasone — structure chimique Général Nom IUPAC 9 fluoro 11β,17,21 trihydroxy 16a méthylprégna 1,4 diène 3,20 dione … Wikipédia en Français
Dexamethasone — Dexaméthasone Dexaméthasone structure chimique Général Nom IUPAC 9 fluoro 11β,17,21 trihydroxy 16a méthylprég … Wikipédia en Français
dexaméthasone — ● dexaméthasone nom féminin Dénomination commune d un glucocorticoïde synthétique ayant une activité anti inflammatoire 30 fois supérieure à celle de la cortisone. dexaméthasone [dɛgzametazɔn] n. f. ÉTYM. D. i. (v. 1960); angl. dexamethasone… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dexamethasone — n. a corticosteroid drug used to treat allergies or inflammation. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dexamethasone — A potent synthetic analogue of cortisol, with similar biological action; used as an anti inflammatory agent and as a test material for adrenal cortical function. * * * dexa·meth·a·sone .dek sə meth ə .s … Medical dictionary
dexamethasone — noun a corticosteroid drug (trade names Decadron or Dexamethasone Intensol or Dexone or Hexadrol or Oradexon) used to treat allergies or inflammation (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑Decadron, ↑Dexamethasone Intensol, ↑Dexone, ↑Hexadrol, ↑Oradexon • Usage… … Useful english dictionary
dexamethasone — n. a corticosteroid drug used principally to treat severe allergies, ear and eye diseases, rheumatic and other inflammatory conditions, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It is administered by mouth, by injection into a joint, or as eye or ear… … The new mediacal dictionary
dexamethasone — A synthetic steroid (similar to steroid hormones produced naturally in the adrenal gland). Dexamethasone is used to treat leukemia and lymphoma and may be used to treat some of the problems caused by other cancers and their treatment … English dictionary of cancer terms
Dexamethasone suppression test — Diagnostics Dexamethasone OPS 301 code 1 797 … Wikipedia
Dexamethasone isonicotinate — IUPAC name [2 [(8S,9R,10S,11S,13S,14S,16R … Wikipedia