
/day pannrdd teuh mahonn"/, n., pl. départements /mahonn"/. French.
department (def. 7).

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▪ French government
      largest unit of local government in France and in some former French colonies. The départements were originally created in 1790. Each département is governed by an elected general council, which holds responsibility for local services, laws, and budget; an officer called a commissioner represents the national government and is the council's executive agent.

      Prior to the French Revolution the local unit in France was the military gouvernement, which roughly corresponded to the old provinces, such as Franche Comté, Provence, Bourgogne, Bretagne, and so on. But by the time of the French Revolution this division seemed too closely bound up with the administrative mismanagement of the ancien régime, and, at the suggestion of the Count de Mirabeau, the “provinces” were divided into départements, which were roughly equal to a certain average of size and population and which derived their names principally from rivers, mountains, or other prominent geographic features. In 1860 three new départements were created out of the newly annexed territory of Savoy and Nice. The three départements of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, and Moselle, which were lost after the Franco-German War in 1871, were restored in 1919. Other départements have been created on occasion because of population or territorial changes. By the late 20th century the number of départements had grown to about 100. The largest city in a département usually serves as the departmental capital.

      Each département, presided over by its commissioner, is subdivided into arrondissements, each of which is under the administration of a subprefect. Arrondissements are again subdivided into cantons and these into communes, which are somewhat equivalent to the English parish.

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Universalium. 2010.

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