Cyclophosphamide — Systematic (IUPAC) name … Wikipedia
Cyclophosphamide — Énantiomère S du cyclophosphamide (à gauche) et R cyclophosphamide (à droite) Général … Wikipédia en Français
cyclophosphamide — cyclophosphamide. См. циклофосфамид. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
cyclophosphamide — [sī΄klō fäs′fə mīd΄; sī΄klō fäs fam′īd΄, sī΄klō fäs fam′id΄] n. [ CYCLO + PHOSPH(ORIC) + AMIDE] a white, crystalline compound, C7H15Cl2N2O2P, used in treating certain malignancies, esp. lymphomas … English World dictionary
cyclophosphamide — An alkylating agent with antitumor activity and uses similar to those of its parent compound, nitrogen mustard (mechlorethamine hydrochloride); also a suppressor of B cell activity and antibody formation, used to … Medical dictionary
cyclophosphamide — n. an alkylating agent used to treat a variety of cancers, often in combination with other cytotoxic drugs. It also has immunosuppressant properties and is used in treating conditions, notably rheumatoid arthritis, requiring a reduced immune… … The new mediacal dictionary
Cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil — Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate Fluorouracil (CMF) is a commonly used regimen of breast cancer chemotherapy that combines three anti cancer agents: cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5 fluorouracil (5 FU).[1]. The regimen was designed in order to… … Wikipedia
cyclophosphamide — noun Date: 1960 an immunosuppressive and antineoplastic agent C7H15Cl2N2O2P used especially in the treatment of lymphomas and some leukemias … New Collegiate Dictionary
cyclophosphamide — An alkylating agent and important immunosuppressant. Acts by alkylating SH and NH2 groups especially the N7 of guanine … Dictionary of molecular biology
cyclophosphamide — noun An immunosuppressive, antineoplastic drug used in the treatment of Hodgkins disease and certain other forms of cancer … Wiktionary