- cyclamen
/suy"kleuh meuhn, -men', sik"leuh-/, n.any low-growing plant of the genus Cyclamen, belonging to the primrose family, having tuberous rootstocks and nodding white, purple, pink, or crimson flowers with reflexed petals.[1540-50; < NL, ML < Gk kykláminos bulbous plant, akin to kýklos CYCLE]
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Any of about 15 species of flowering perennial herbaceous plants that make up the genus Cyclamen, in the primrose family (Primulaceae), native to the Middle East and southern and central Europe.The florist's cyclamen (C. persicum), the best-known species, is an indoor plant cultivated for its attractive white to pink to deep red flowers. Long-stalked, rounded, or kidney-shaped leaves, often variously marked, grow from the base of the plant, which has no aboveground stem. Solitary flowers grow on stalks less than 12 in. (30 cm) tall.* * *
▪ plant genusgenus of about 20 species of flowering perennial herbs of the myrsine family (Myrsinaceae) that are native to the Middle East and southern and central Europe. The florist's cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum), the best-known species, is notable as an indoor plant cultivated for its attractive white to pink to deep red flowers. A number of other species of Cyclamen are grown outside.The plants grow from a tuber (a short underground stem) and have no stem above ground. Long-stalked, roundish, or kidney-shaped leaves, often variously marked, grow from the base. Solitary flowers grow on stalks less than 30 cm (12 inches) tall. After flowering, the flower stalk often twists into a spiral, so bringing the capsular fruit close to the ground.* * *
Universalium. 2010.