
  • 131hurt — v 1. ache, smart, burn, sting, bite, nip, pinch, gripe; gnaw, grind, grate, rasp, chafe; throb, palpitate, tingle. 2. injure, wound; cut, scratch, prick, pierce, stab, lancinate; bruise, sprain, strain; beat, pommel, batter, pound, lay on, drub;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132prick — n 1. puncture, perforation, hole, pinhole, pock, pit, nick, gouge, groove. 2. sting, smart, prickle, tingle, tickle, ache, pain, hurt, discomfort. 3. point, rowel, spur, barb, barbule, prong, tine, spike. v 4. pierce, puncture, perforate, make a… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder