
  • 101dabbler — noun I m no expert astronomer, just a dabbler Syn: amateur, dilettante, layman, layperson; trifler, nonprofessional, nonspecialist Ant: professional …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 102flirt — 1. verb 1) it amused him to flirt with her Syn: trifle with, toy with, tease, lead on 2) those conservatives who flirted with fascism Syn: dabble in, toy with, trifle with, amuse oneself with, play with, tink …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 103amateur — n 1. nonprofessional, layman, do it yourselfer; dabbler, dallier, trifler, putterer, potterer, dilettante; beginner, novice, tyro, neophyte, learner. 2. fan, devotee, votary, aficionado, Inf. buff, Sl. freak, Sl. bug, Sl. nut; admirer, fancier,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 104dabbler — n putterer, potterer, smatterer, trifler, dal lier, piddler, Inf. dabster; dilettante, sciolist, half scholar; amateur, nonprofessional, layman, do it yourselfer …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 105dawdler — n laggard, lingerer, loiterer; lie abed, slugabed, layabout, dreamer, lotus eater, drone, lounger; snail, slowpoke, tortoise, afternoon farmer, lazybones; loafer, faineant, do nothing, sluggard, sloth, idler, trifler; shirker, Sl. goof off,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 106dilettante — n 1. dabbler, Inf. dabster, smatterer, sciolist, half scholar, amateur, nonprofessional, layman; do it yourselfer, putterer, potterer, trifler, dalli er, piddler. 2. art lover, person of taste, connoisseur, Latin, arbiter elegantiae; member of… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 107do-nothing — n 1. idler, faineant, loafer, drone, Inf. bum, sluggard, slugabed, lazybones; laggard, loiterer, lounger, lingerer, trifler, dawdler, dallier; day dreamer, lotus eater; shirker, goldbrick, Sl. goof off; good for nothing, ne er do well, Fr.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 108drone — I n parasite, leech, sponger, Inf. sponge, Inf. deadbeat; do nothing, idler, fainéant, loafer, Inf. bum, sluggard, slugabed, lazybones; laggard, loiterer, lounger, lingerer, trifler, dawdler, dallier; daydreamer, lotus eater; shirker, goldbrick,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 109fribble — v 1. trifle, toy, play, fool, Sl. monkey around; dabble, putter, potter, piddle. 2. waste away, fritter away, fool away, trifle away, dribble away, Inf. diddle away. n 3. trifler, dallier, dabbler, potterer, putterer, piddler. 4. trifle,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 110laggard — n 1. lagger, lingerer, loiterer, lounger, loller, dallier, trifler, dawdler; Inf. slowpoke, Sl. poke, snail, sluggard; do nothing, faineant, idler, drone, Inf. bum, Inf. lazybones, Sl. slugabed. adj 2. slow, Inf. poky, sluggish, backward; slow… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder