Mendel's laws

Mendel's laws
Mendel's laws
the four principles of hereditary phenomena discovered and formulated by Gregor Mendel: 1) the law of independent unit characters, which states that characters, as height, color, etc., are inherited separately as units 2) the law of segregation, which states that body cells and primordial germ cells contain pairs of such unit characters and that when gametes are produced, each gamete receives only one member of each such pair 3) the law of dominance, which states that in every individual there is a pair of determining factors (see GENE) for each unit character, one from each parent; if these factors are different ( heterozygous), one character (the dominant) appears in the organism, the other (the recessive) being latent; the recessive character can appear in the organism only when the dominant is absent; hence in all crossbred generations, unit characters are shown in varying combinations, each appearing in a definite proportion of the total number of offspring 4) the law of independent assortment, which states that any one pair of characters is inherited independently, notwithstanding the simultaneous transmission of other traits: this principle has been modified by the discovery of linkage and pleiotropy

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  • Mendel's laws — n. the four principles of hereditary phenomena discovered and formulated by Gregor Mendel: 1) the law of independent unit characters, which states that characters, as height, color, etc., are inherited separately as units 2) the law of… …   English World dictionary

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  • Mendel's laws — rules of inheritance based on the breeding experiments of the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel (1822–84), which showed that the inheritance of characteristics is controlled by particles now known as genes. In modern terms they are as follows. 1) Each… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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