
See adjurer.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • adjuror — n. one who charges or commands earnestly and solemnly; one who entreats, one who pleads …   English contemporary dictionary

  • adjuror — ad·ju·ror …   English syllables

  • adjuror — noun see adjurer …   Useful english dictionary

  • adjure — adjuratory /euh joor euh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. adjurer, adjuror, n. /euh joor /, v.t., adjured, adjuring. 1. to charge, bind, or command earnestly and solemnly, often under oath or the threat of a penalty. 2. to entreat or request earnestly or… …   Universalium

  • adjure — /əˈdʒuə / (say uh joohuh) verb (t) (adjured, adjuring) 1. to charge, bind, or command, earnestly and solemnly, often under oath or the threat of a curse. 2. to entreat or request earnestly. {Middle English adjure(n), from Latin adjūrāre}… …  

  • adjure — [ə joor′] vt. adjured, adjuring [ME adjuren < L adjurare < ad , to + jurare: see JURY1] 1. to command or charge solemnly, often under oath or penalty 2. to entreat solemnly; appeal to earnestly adjuratory [ad joor′ə tôr΄ē; a joor′ə tôr΄ē, ə …   English World dictionary

  • con|jur|or — con|jur|er or con|jur|or «KON juhr uhr, KUHN », noun. 1. a person who performs tricks with quick, deceiving movements of the hands; juggler. 2. a magician; wizard. SYNONYM(S): sorcerer. 3. a person who solemnly charges or entreats. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • con|jur|er — or con|jur|or «KON juhr uhr, KUHN », noun. 1. a person who performs tricks with quick, deceiving movements of the hands; juggler. 2. a magician; wizard. SYNONYM(S): sorcerer. 3. a person who solemnly charges or entreats. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

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