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Universalium. 2010.

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  • monaurally — adverb in a monaural manner the stimuli were presented monaurally • Syn: ↑to one ear, ↑in one ear • Ant: ↑binaurally • Derived from adjective: ↑monaural …   Useful english dictionary

  • monaurally — adverb see monaural …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • monaurally — adv. by one ear, through one ear …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • monaural — monaurally, adv. /mon awr euhl/, adj. 1. monophonic (def. 2). 2. of, pertaining to, or affecting one ear. [1885 90; MON + AURAL2] * * * …   Universalium

  • in one ear — adverb in a monaural manner the stimuli were presented monaurally • Syn: ↑monaurally, ↑to one ear • Ant: ↑binaurally (for: ↑monaurally) • …   Useful english dictionary

  • to one ear — adverb in a monaural manner the stimuli were presented monaurally • Syn: ↑monaurally, ↑in one ear • Ant: ↑binaurally (for: ↑monaurally) • Derived from adjective: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • monaural — adjective Date: 1931 monophonic 2 • monaurally adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Virtual Acoustic Space — (VAS), also known as Virtual Auditory Space, is a technique in which sounds presented over headphones appear to originate from any desired direction in space. The illusion of a virtual sound source outside the listener s head is created.Sound… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic fluency devices — (also known as assistive devices, electronic aids, altered auditory feedback devices and altered feedback devices) are electronic devices intended to improve the fluency of persons who stutter. Most electronic fluency devices change the sound of… …   Wikipedia

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