Adler, Guido

Adler, Guido
born Nov. 1, 1855, Eibenschütz, Moravia, Austrian Empire
died Feb. 15, 1941, Vienna, Austria

Austrian musicologist.

After studying music theory and composition at the Vienna Conservatory, he studied music history at the University of Vienna under Eduard Hanslick (1825–1904), whom he succeeded as professor. He worked with Philipp Spitta (1841–94) and Friedrich Chrysander in founding musicology as an academic discipline. Among his distinguished students were Karl Geiringer (1899–1989), Knud Jeppesen (1892–1974), Anton Webern, and Egon Wellesz (1885–1974).

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▪ Austrian musicologist
born Nov. 1, 1855, Eibenschütz, Moravia, Austrian Empire [now Ivančice, Czech Republic]
died Feb. 15, 1941, Vienna

      Austrian musicologist and teacher who was one of the founders of modern musicology.

      Adler's family moved to Vienna in 1864, and four years later he began to study music theory and composition with Anton Bruckner at the Vienna Conservatory. Intending to pursue a career in law, Adler studied at Vienna University, receiving a doctoral degree in 1878. During this period he gave a series of lectures on Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard) at the university (later published as Richard Wagner, 1904) and, in cooperation with Felix Mottl, established the Akademischer Wagnerverein (“Academic Wagner Society”).

      Influenced by the writings of outstanding contemporaries in the field of music history, Adler abandoned law; he wrote a dissertation on Western music before 1600 and was awarded a Ph.D. in 1880. Two years later he became a lecturer and completed a work on the history of harmony. In collaboration with Philipp Spitta and K.F.F. Chrysander, Adler founded the Viertel-jahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft (“Quarterly of Musicology”) in 1884. The following year he was appointed professor of the history of music at the German University at Prague.

      In 1888 he recommended that the Austrian government publish an edition of great Austrian music. This project came into be ing as the Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich (“Monuments of Music in Austria”), and Adler was its general editor from 1894 to 1938, producing 83 volumes in the series.

      In 1892 Adler became organizer of the music section of the International Music and Theatre Exhibition in Vienna. In 1898, Adler was named professor of music history at Vienna University, where he founded an institute devoted to musicological research. His lectures were popular and were attended by students from throughout Europe. A considerable number of his pupils later attained fame as composers or musicologists. In addition to music history, Adler's interests extended to contemporary music; he developed a close friendship with Gustav Mahler, about whom he published a book in 1916, and he also admired the work of Arnold Schoenberg.

      As one of the earliest musicologists, Adler articulated the major principles and methods of the new discipline as it was taking form in the late 19th century; he was the first music historian to emphasize style criticism in research. His attitudes and procedures are evident in the Handbuch der Musikgeschichte (“Handbook of Music History”), of which he became the editor in 1924.

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  • Adler, Guido — (1 nov. 1855, Eibenschütz, Moravia, Imperio austríaco–15 feb. 1941, Viena, Austria). Musicólogo austríaco. Después de estudiar teoría musical y composición en el Conservatorio de Viena, estudió historia de la música en la Universidad de Viena con …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Guido Adler — (1 November 1855, Ivančice (Eibenschütz), Moravia ndash; 15 February 1941, Vienna) was a Bohemian Austrian musicologist and writer.His father Joachim, a physician, died of typhoid fever in 1857. Joachim contracted the illness from a patient, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Guido Adler — (1 de noviembre, 1855, Eibenschütz, Moravia, Imperio austríaco 15 de febrero, 1941, Viena, Austria) fue un musicólogo austríaco. Después de estudiar teoría musical y composición en el Konservatorium Wien, estudió musicol …   Wikipedia Español

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