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  • Gymnastically — Gym*nas tic*al*ly, adv. In a gymnastic manner. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gymnastically — adverb see gymnastic I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gymnastically — adverb in a gymnastic manner …   Wiktionary

  • gymnastically — adv. in a gymnastic manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gymnastically — gym·nas·ti·cal·ly …   English syllables

  • gymnastically — adverb see gymnastic I …   Useful english dictionary

  • gymnastic — gymnastically, adv. /jim nas tik/, adj. of or pertaining to physical exercises that develop and demonstrate strength, balance, and agility, esp. such exercises performed mostly on special equipment. Also, gymnastical. [1565 75; < MF gymnastique …   Universalium

  • gymnastic — I. adjective Date: 1574 of or relating to gymnastics ; athletic • gymnastically adverb II. noun Date: 1652 1. plural but singular in construction a. physical exercises designed to develop stre …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • The Deposition from the Cross (Pontormo) — The Entombment Artist Jacopo Pontormo Year circa 1525–1528 Type Oil on wood Dimensions 313 cm × 192 cm (123 in × 76 in) Location …   Wikipedia

  • Quad (play) — For other uses of the term, see Quad. Samuel Beckett’s Quad was written in 1981 and first appeared in print in 1984 (Faber and Faber) where the work is described as “ [a] piece for four players, light and percussion” [Beckett, S., Collected… …   Wikipedia

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