legal memory

legal memory
a period of time, now usually established by statute, during which custom, conduct, or a state of affairs must have existed or continued in order for it to have taken on the force of law or to establish a legal right or title not otherwise provable.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • legal memory — See time of legal memory …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • legal memory — noun : the minimum period of time usually prescribed by statute for a custom existing for that time to have the force of law or for conduct continued for that time to be the foundation of a legal right or title not otherwise provable compare… …   Useful english dictionary

  • memory — The word as used in Blackstone and other ancient authorities, appeared to be synonymous with mind , whereas the word memory in modern times is used in a more restricted sense of recollection of past events rather than the general state of one s… …   Black's law dictionary

  • memory — The word as used in Blackstone and other ancient authorities, appeared to be synonymous with mind , whereas the word memory in modern times is used in a more restricted sense of recollection of past events rather than the general state of one s… …   Black's law dictionary

  • legal — 1. Conforming to the law; according to law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden or discountenanced by law; good and effectual in law; of or pertaining to the law; lawful. Freeman v. Fowler Packing Co., 135 Kan. 378, 11 P.2d 276, 277. See… …   Black's law dictionary

  • legal — 1. Conforming to the law; according to law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden or discountenanced by law; good and effectual in law; of or pertaining to the law; lawful. Freeman v. Fowler Packing Co., 135 Kan. 378, 11 P.2d 276, 277. See… …   Black's law dictionary

  • memory — The power of retaining knowledge in the mind; the mental power of recognizing past knowledge. State v Coyne, 214 Mo 344, 114 SW 8. See impairment of memory; refreshing memory; time of legal memory …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Legal psychology — involves empirical, psychological research of the law, legal institutions, and people who come into contact with the law. Legal psychologists typically take basic social and cognitive theories and principles and apply them to issues in the legal… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory disorder — Memory can be defined as an organism s ability to encode, retain, and recall information. Disorders of memory can range from mild to severe, yet are all a result of damage to neuroanatomical structures; either in part or in full. This damage… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory and social interactions — Memory underpins and enables social interactions in a variety of ways. In order to engage in successful social interaction, organisms must be able to remember how they should interact with one another, who they have interacted with previously,… …   Wikipedia

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