
/gut"seuhr/, n. Australian Slang.
1. a person who eats too much and greedily.
2. come a gutser,
a. to fall over.
b. to fail, esp. as a result of pride.
[1900-05; GUTS (see GUT) + -ER1]

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  • gutser — /ˈgʌtsə/ (say gutsuh) Colloquial –noun 1. an unexpected and disappointing event such as a fall or a failure: what a gutser it would be to miss the boat 2. someone who eats too much. –verb (i) 3. to fail badly: he bought the business but soon… …  

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  • gutser — /gut seuhr/, n. Australian Slang. 1. a person who eats too much and greedily. 2. come a gutser, a. to fall over. b. to fail, esp. as a result of pride. [1900 05; GUTS (see GUT) + ER1] …   Useful english dictionary

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