
/fif"tee/, n., pl. fifties, adj.
1. a cardinal number, ten times five.
2. a symbol for this number, as 50 or L.
3. a set of this many persons or things.
4. fifties, the numbers, years, degrees, or the like, from 50 through 59, as in referring to numbered streets, indicating the years of a lifetime or of a century, or degrees of temperature: She lives in the East Fifties. He's in his late fifties. It's going to be in the fifties again today.
5. Informal. a fifty-dollar bill: He had a fifty and two tens in his wallet.
6. amounting to 50 in number.
[bef. 900; ME; OE fiftig. See FIVE, -TY1]

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  • fifty — [fif′tē] adj. [ME fifti < OE fiftig: see FIVE & TY2] five times ten n. pl. fifties the cardinal number between forty nine and fifty one; 50; L the fifties the numbers or years, as of a century, from fifty through fifty nine …   English World dictionary

  • Fifty — Fif ty, n.; pl. {Fifties}. 1. The sum of five tens; fifty units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing fifty units, as 50, or l. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fifty — O.E. fiftig, from fif five (see FIVE (Cf. five)) + tig group of ten (see TY (Cf. ty) (1)). Cf. O.Fris. fiftich, O.N. fimm tigir, Du. vijftig, O.H.G. fimfzug, Ger. fünfzig, Goth …   Etymology dictionary

  • Fifty — Fif ty, a. [AS. f[=i]ftig; akin to OHG. finfzug, fimfzuc, G. f[ u]nfzig, funfzig, Goth. fimftigjus. See {Five}, and {Ten}, and cf. {Fifteen}.] Five times ten; as, fifty men. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • fifty — ► CARDINAL NUMBER (pl. fifties) ▪ ten less than sixty; 50. (Roman numeral: l or L.) DERIVATIVES fiftieth ordinal number. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • fifty — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 the product of five and ten. 2 a symbol for this (50, l, L). 3 (in pl.) the numbers from 50 to 59, esp. the years of a century or of a person s life. 4 a set of fifty persons or things. 5 a large indefinite number (have… …   Useful english dictionary

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