
v.t., depolarized, depolarizing.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Depolarize — De*po lar*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Depolarized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Depolarizing}.] [Pref. de + polarize: cf. F. d[ e]polarizer.] 1. (Opt.) To deprive of polarity; to reduce to an unpolarized condition. [1913 Webster] Note: This word has been… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • depolarize — (Amer.) de·po·lar·ize || ‚diː pəʊlÉ™raɪz v. remove polarity (also depolarise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • depolarize — [dē pō′lər īz΄] vt. depolarized, depolarizing to destroy or counteract the polarity or polarization of depolarization n. depolarizer n …   English World dictionary

  • depolarize — transitive verb Date: 1818 1. to cause to become partially or wholly unpolarized 2. to prevent or remove polarization of (as a dry cell or cell membrane) • depolarization noun • depolarizer noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • depolarize — verb a) To remove the polarization from something b) To demagnetize …   Wiktionary

  • depolarize — To deprive of polarity. * * * de·po·lar·ize or Brit de·po·lar·ise ( )dē pō lə .rīz vt, ized or Brit ised; iz·ing or Brit is·ing to subject (as a plasma membrane) to depolarization de·po·lar·iz·er or Brit de·po·lar·is·er .rī zər n * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • depolarize — or depolarise di: pəʊlərʌɪz verb Physics reduce or remove the polarization of. Derivatives depolarization noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • depolarize — de·polarize …   English syllables

  • depolarize — de•po•lar•ize [[t]diˈpoʊ ləˌraɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing. cvb to deprive of polarity or polarization, esp. in eliminating a magnetic charge • Etymology: 1810–20 de•po lar•i•za′tion, n. de•po′lar•iz er, n …   From formal English to slang

  • depolarize — Removal of residual magnetism thereby destroying or removing the magnetic. To remove polarity …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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